Who We Are

We are a collection of individuals who choose to work together.  Individuality is respected and welcomed; we enrich each other with diverse ideas and perspectives. 

We are diverse in age, career backgrounds, life histories, and orientations.  What has drawn us together is our dedication to learning and skill refinement.  Moreover, each therapist at the center is committed to further his or her own growth through personal therapy, self-reflection, and training.  We believe that we have a moral and ethical responsibility to personally practice what we offer our clients: openness, appropriate boundaries, honesty, integrity, and respect for individual differences.

Our collection of individuals change over time because the center welcomes a variety of practitioners; some just starting out while others have more experience. Transitions and change are an important part of our work with clients, thus we believe we must be able to adjust to change as we move through life.

You can be assured that one thing about us will not change; our commitment to excellence and our clients’ success.

2407 Marlton Drive
Austin, TX 78703
connect@inaustincounseling.com 512-695-3600

Choosing the “right therapist” means finding the “best fit for you”. While certifications are important, finding the “best fit for you” is more important, even crucial. Let’s meet in person and explore how we can work together to help you achieve your desired results.